Account Number XXXX

1 Reply 3669 Views

This is concerning my bill for the period 1 Aug to 30 Oct 2019. The Concession entitlement was omitted from this bill. Complained to Resolutions Dept. on 8/11/19. Per call Ref: 1643621812 confirmed to disregard the bill and AGL to issue an amended bill. Again Called 0n 22 Nov 2019 spoke to Betty at Resolutions at 10.00am. Took about 8 minutes and confirmed that they would resolve this matter ASAP and to issue a new bill with the concession applied. Call Ref: 1649663827. Received a duplicate bill for $236.09 on 27 Nov 2019. Spoke to a Tai @ Resolutions Dept. on 27 Nov. She apologised for this glitch and confirmed that the system has recognised the concession and would issue a fresh bill for this period in due course. Call Ref: 164904715

As there appears to be an undue delay, called Resolutions Dept. on 17 December 19 and spoke to Kaitlyn at 9.30am and expressed my utter frustration for this run-around and she took the initiative to investigate. Call Ref: 1655663920. Kaitlyn got back and expressed her apologies and owned the department glitch and system shortfall for this long overdue issue. She gave an assurance that AGL would rectify this matter and issue the amended bill asap. Call Ref:1655663920

My Request to AGL Management;

Taking in to consideration the run-around I had with AGL, whether it would consider a complete waive of this bill for the period under review as you have given me so much pain and undue stress in resolving this simple correction of a bill. It clearly demonstrates your inefficiency either the lack of staff training or in fact the software that is outdated. I am a pensioner struggling to juggle my bill payments with all my providers of other utilities and general household expenses. When events of the above nature takes place, inevitably those would bring so much mental stress and disarray in our day to day management of affairs. If you would not consider a waive of this bill, then kindly ensure that the revised bill is posted to me without much delay. I have always paid your dues in time and have never failed in my obligations in the past.

Thank you.


AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 3664 Views

Hi @Gamini1 


This certainly sounds like an exasperating situation - I'm sorry you've had that experience. As this is a public forum and per community guidelines I've removed your account number from your post for security, but the rest of your post is unchanged.


If you'd like to submit a complaint, you can use the form listed on and include the information you've included here. They'll be able to work with you to address your concerns and hopefully move towards an acceptable solution to the issue.



