AGL Solar Usage and FiT estimated

1 Reply 2940 Views

Over the last month or so, my app has completely broken and my energy usage and feed in stays at estimated. The last actual data is from 1st Oct and after that date everything has been estimated. AGL support doesn't know any ETA and have been beating around the bushes saying that the team has been working on it with no concrete updates.

My last bill was also an estimated one. What's the point of a SMART meter when I would be receiving estimated bills.

Is anyone else experiencing the same problem from the last 1 month?



AGL Moderator
0 Replies 2927 Views

Hi vishahrukh,


Thanks for being part of the AGL Community.


This certainly shouldn't be happening if you have a remotely read smart meter. As this is an account related enquiry, we will need you to contact us directly to have it investigated. Please contact us here, or by AGL Messenger which you can access from the APP or My Account.


