Support Port Forwarding with your internet service.

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Today, after transferring to AGLs internet service. I found out after waiting over an hour and a half with AGLs terrible customer support team that you don't support Port Forwarding with your internet service. This is a basic, important function for many people. Why wouldn't you support it? It's ridiculous. 

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Delivered

Port forwarding is available; you'll just need to contact customer support to enable it.


@David_AGL  The users here who said they successfully have been removed from CG-NAT and now have a static IP, would they have had to pay an extra $7 for the privilege? As when i rang technical support just now to request a static IP, the operator said that static IPs cost $7 as an add-on. I was abit disappointed to hear this as going off the comments here no-one mentioned any additional charge.


@David_AGL, you posted that "you just need to call support to enable it". But support is saying that I need to pay $7 per month extra for a static IP address.
I dont need a static IP, I was with TPG using port forwarding fine without a static IP.

Please clarify if AGL forces us to pay for static IP in order to be able to enjoy port forwarding.


@zxcswersxfasdfa  Turns out you can just ask for a public IP and it's free. I successfully did this after calling their tech support. The IP is dynamic but appears to be sticky so will only change if your connection has been off for a long time i think. Port forwarding is now working for me.


@shauno100 thanks for the reply.
I rang them and they said they changed me to a public IP, but my port forwarding is still not working 😞
Do I need to ask to be removed from CGNAT too or is it the same thing?


Ignore my previous message. Port forwarding is working now.
I just had to make a change in my Tp-Link router to make it use the correct interface for the port forwarding configuration.

To anyone else, like other mentioned here I called AGL support and they applied the change to use public IP without any cost. No need to pay for static IP.


I love how AGL staff should  know what double NAT is and not even “David” could tell us to call customer service to get this promptly resolved. It was a customer that resolved your enquiry in this forum, Well done! AGL ensure their web staff are providing customers with sound advice. Not tell them to buy their modem to fix an issue or just NOT REPLYING AT ALL TO YOUR CUSTOMERS when they are literally @ing you, you should advise that it is resolved by either calling or providing your customers with their NTU when they request it. I’ve been asking for the NTU for 2 days straight and asking staff if it’s double or single NAT and they have NO IDEA what I’m talking about. I’ve had servers out for 2 days now. I didn’t think that the service would be to the point where I cannot get to anyone on the phone due to wait times and webchat have no idea what I am talking about. 


A point of warning to anyone contacting AGL to get a public IP address - if you are using a router provided by AGL make sure you go in and disable all forms of remote administration before doing so, as otherwise this remote admin will be wide open to the internet and you are inviting all the script kiddies to try to hack you.


Advanced -> System Tools -> Administration -> Remote Management -> Uncheck BOTH Enable checkboxes -> Save

Advanced -> System Tools -> CWMP Settings -> Disable CWMP -> Save


Just confirming that was initially receiving a NAT'd IP in the 10.x.x.x range. I too asked about converting this to a public IP and was guided down the path of paying $7p/m for a static IP. I advised that I didn't need it to be static as I used DDNS but just needed it public so I could get direct access to it and port forward. After calling back I got onto the right person who understood and reconfigured my connection so it was no longer NAT'd. A refresh of the PPPoE connection and I now have a public IP. I didn't have to pay anything. Port forwarding is now working.

Be sure to ask for a public IP and not static to avoid confusion.


They're obviously saving on their public IP's by hiding their users behind a single IP. This is probably just fine for the majority of users but they need to be able to recognise this request better and make the switch. At least they don't charge for the privilege.


Well since over one week now, and I have done multiple calls and many hours with the Tech guys and none have been able to help me out, I was told each time a different reason and none sometimes don't even know what port forward does or is meant to be... They really need to find competent guys and who give clear answer not excuses for not knowing what they are talking about. Now to find a internet provider who can offer this service pouf!