DarkStarSword's latest conversations

DarkStarSword Semiconductor

Re: Slow PPPoe - Fast DHCP

From what I gather the issue was something to do with the "profile" my account was set to on AGL's side - it seems that these profiles differ depending on whether the account is set to a public or private IP, and there was initially no option that the technician could choose to enable gigabit with a public IP, though there were a few options that he wasn't sure about, so he had to consult with his colleagues to find a solution - which he was able to by the end of the day. It's also worth noting ...
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DarkStarSword Semiconductor

Re: Slow PPPoe - Fast DHCP

Support was able to resolve this issue for me - I now have gigabit down with PPPoE and a public IP, though it took a few attempts to get a technician who understood the issue and was able to chase things up with his colleagues to find the correct settings to get things to work.
5 Replies 1 Like
DarkStarSword Semiconductor

public IP with the ultrafast gigabit plan

Is anyone successfully using a public IP with the ultrafast gigabit plan? If I have the router use PPPoE I get a public IP, but only ~350mbps downIf I set the router to use DHCP I get nearly the full gigabit down, but am assigned a private IP Edit: I can no longer get DHCP to work at all - I'm guessing it gets disabled after switching to a public IP and I could only switch back to it until my lease expired, so I'm stuck with the slow PPPoE protocol and overpaying for a plan that only supports 1/ ...
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DarkStarSword Semiconductor

Re: Support Port Forwarding with your internet service.

A point of warning to anyone contacting AGL to get a public IP address - if you are using a router provided by AGL make sure you go in and disable all forms of remote administration before doing so, as otherwise this remote admin will be wide open to the internet and you are inviting all the script kiddies to try to hack you. Advanced -> System Tools -> Administration -> Remote Management -> Uncheck BOTH Enable checkboxes -> SaveAdvanced -> System Tools -> CWMP Settings -> Disable CWMP -> Save
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