New app dissapointing - missing hourly usage

26 Replies 66122 Views

Im wondering why agl has reduced the functionality of the app? Why cant we see our hourly usage so we can identify areas of excessive usage as in the previous app. Seems agl can make more $$ if we can see our usage pattern. Seriously your last app was very good. Now im flying blind and this would certainly cause me to change to someone that can provide this detail.

AGL Idea Moderator
Status changed to: Delivered

Firstly, thank you for your contributions so far to help improve the AGL App.


We're pleased to let you know that hourly usage is now available in the latest version of the app.  We've created an article to give an overview on the feature which you can find here:


We'll mark this as delivered for now but please feel free to provide more feedback on the solution.  If you think it can be improved or changed in anyway we'd like to hear it!


I agree. It has less information and seems to be slower on my iPad.

I can only select the billing period for the time, should I be able to select day to get more info?


Hey MattyY78,

That link in your post is broken. I just get page not found.


AGL Moderator

Hi Summiteer,


I've updated the link above for your reference. This'll provide you with more information as far as drilling down into your data goes.


Before you're able to do this, you'll need to ensure that you have a remotely read smart meter active at your property.






Bring back the previous app this one is no good - what a waist of money! What was the opinion of trial users or did that step get overlooked?

AGL Community Manager

Locking this thread as it actually applies to an older update to the app and it's getting confusing to see what comment applies to what update. Please raise any specific issues with the current version as a new topic.