Usage Data - Android

4 Replies 6672 Views

Hi There,


Is usage data available on android?

I can only seem to get the daily Spend but this doesn't tell me much about how I use energy. I have a smart meter so all the data was available in the previous app.


Any plans to add this?


Regards, Aaron

AGL Idea Moderator
Status changed to: Needs More Info

Hey @amps1, thanks for getting in touch.  There should be a usage section on the application for both iOS and Android. If you have a smart meter you should be able to see an overview of your bill period and drill into the daily usage too.


Can you post a screenshot on here and i'll take a look into whats happening.


Hi @MattyY78,


See below. I'm unable to switch to kWh or any further information on usage.

Screenshot_20181025-105017_AGL Energy.jpg




AGL Idea Moderator
Status changed to: Investigating

Hey @amps1 currently the app only displays $$ for usage.  You're in the daily usage breakdown which is the lowest level we currently drill down to also.  We're working on bringing kWh into this view, you can expect this soon.  I'll make sure I keep you updated on our progress here.  I'll speak to the team now and get an eta for you.


Can I ask what are you using this data for?  I ask as it may help us introduce new features to help you and others in the future.  We're keen to get as much feedback as possible to help us build the best app for our customers.  So if there is anything else you'd change or improve i'm happy to hear it.

AGL Idea Moderator
Status changed to: Delivered

Firstly, thank you for your contributions so far to help improve the AGL App.


We're pleased to let you know that hourly usage is now available in the latest version of the app.  We've created an article to give an overview on the feature which you can find here: 


We'll mark this as delivered for now but please feel free to provide more feedback on the solution.  If you think it can be improved or changed in anyway we'd like to hear it!