Unable to remove Carbon Neutral from our Account

2 Replies 228 Views

Wanting to opt out from Carbon Neutral. Gone to Overview section, selected "Manage Carbon Neutral" and have selected "Remove". A box have appeared with this remarks "Carbon Neutral couldn't be removed. Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again". Is this a technical issue?

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 210 Views

Hi Nile,


We are sorry to hear that you have been unable to opt out of carbon neutral in the AGL my account/AGL app.


While we want to ensure you can action your requests without contacting us, if you are still having issues please contact us https://www.agl.com.au/help-support/contact-us.


Kind regards,



0 Replies 171 Views

Good Morning


The "Manage Carbon Neutral" option under the overview section has disappeared. Kindly confirm if this indicates the Carbon Neutral have been removed from our gas plan. Kindly please advise

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 158 Views

Hello @Nile


Thank you for taking the time to reach out. 


I am sorry to hear about the trouble you have faced while trying to opt out of Carbon Neutral and can appreciate how incredibly frustrating this must be. We can certainly review your account and ensure that Carbon Neutral has been updated to opted out. I'll send you a private message and get some details from you. 


Kind Regards, 
