Unable to download usage data or log a bug

3 Replies 7129 Views


I can no longer see "download your usage data". I went to log a bug but I got access denied... great customer experience here.

Will we see this feature again?

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 6144 Views

Hi @KK1,


We would need to look into your account to see why this is happening. I'll send you private message to grab your account details from you. 


Kind Regards, 


AGL Moderator
1 Reply 6136 Views

Hi @Holland325,


Thanks for getting in touch. I'll send you a private message to grab your account information.




0 Replies 6124 Views

It seems that just by posting this message someone has taken notice and "fixed" it. This is the second time that download has broken or disappeared, and the second time I have posted it, for no one to say "oops sorry" but it does get fixed. I am starting to feel like this forum is AGL's cost effective way of monitoring their own services.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 6106 Views

Hi @KK1,


Thanks for letting us know, we're glad to hear the issue's been fixed. Feel free to contact us any time if you need further help.





1 Reply 6073 Views

I’m facing the same issue how was it solved 

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 6043 Views

Hi @Sueki100, welcome to neighbourhood! I will have to send you a private message to look through your account and resolve this. Thanks- Mark.

1 Reply 6042 Views
All solved thanks.

Sent from my iPhone
AGL Moderator
0 Replies 6032 Views

Hi @Sueki100


Thanks for letting us know. Glad to hear that your enquiry was resolved.


Kind Regards,


1 Reply 5945 Views

Not resolved here.

I cant get my usage data from the web page.  The app will display data, but I dont want to 'see' it on my phone, I want the actual data in CSV, Excel or better an API to always be able to get it
At the very least a working usage page would be great.  AGL you suggest I can get it, you have a URL for it, maybe if it worked??????????