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It would be good as the user to be able to set the range of the vertical axis. Currently when you scroll between screens to compare usage across months the range of the vertical axis jumps around to fit the data. So the changes in usage aren't so obvious. One months peak of 60 kWh hours looks the same as the next months peak of 30 kWh for example because they both jump up to the top of the screen.
Thanks Michael
EDITED: This just relates to the website. Not sure about the app.
Hi @Basil_AGL
I've just looked at the app and I realise what I am talking about is on the website. Apologies for the confusion. The app doesn't make the usage axis at all but eyeballing it my guess is that it isn't moving around. I tried to edit the title but I'm not sure that worked.
On the website however you get behaviour like below where 60 becomes 32.
I think when you scroll from screen to screen it is choosing the vertical extent based on the maximum usage for that period. But it is a bit confusing if you are just looking at the peaks of the graphs as you scroll.
Thanks Michael