Download your usage data

1 Reply 2070 Views

Up to, and including, Mon 30-May-22, when the "Download your usage data" was selected on the USAGE webpage, the file that was downloaded was a standard CSV file that could be easily read with Excel or any text editor.


For some reason on Tue 31-May, the downloaded file was changed to be a ZIP file, but without a filetype included in the downloaded filename, which is only a slight nuisance.


When the CSV file is extracted from the ZIP folder, it is a load of rubbish.  Some of the start dates are in American format (m/d/y) whilst other dates are in English format (d/m/y).  Please note that before the ZIPping started the dates in the files were all consistently in English format.  Does AGL know the Australian date standard format is d/m/y?  If yes, then why the heck would AGL provide a file with mixed date formats?


The extracted CSV file "grows" in size each day it is downloaded, but ever since the data for Tue 31-May-22 (displayed as 5/31/2022) was included in the "new" ZIP download, there has been NO more daily usage figures included in the file, i.e. Wed 1-Jun-22 and Thu 2-Jun-22 are all missing.  I suspect that if AGL find the missing readings, that they will then be provided in American date format.


PS -- I know AGL have the "missing" (from the download) data/readings, because they are displayed in the account usage webpage.

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 2019 Views

Hi @BXof ,


Our team is troubleshooting these issues with outputting usage data. Is there any chance you'd be able to provide some details on  your system, and one of the problematic zip files as an example, so I can pass those along?