Re: can't view daily usage

4 Replies 10064 Views

Moved in and set up with AGL 24th November.  App worked fine for 5 days but since then I have been unable to view usage & billing as it says they are "checking a few things in my account".  So AGL have been checking for 8 days but I have heard nothing from them suggesting any problems.  Anyone else experiences this?  Viewing usage is the really critical tool for me right now as I try to work out how to assess the impact of the roof solar.

AGL Community Manager
2 Replies 8785 Views

Hi @PeterG , 

Pauses in usage updates can have a few different causes and generally resolve themselves in time, but if this continues and you don't feel it's being resolved by contacting support, shoot me a private message with your account details (click my name) and I'll look into it.

0 Replies 8783 Views

Same has happened to me .Been 8 days since last noted usage.Poor for a big   company.I also rely on this information.They also say ,looking into my account.Takes that long .

0 Replies 8774 Views

Thanks David,


It is frustrating.  I only have 5 days data and it has now been uninformative for 9 days.  I will give it till the end of the week & if it is still not functioning I will take you up on your kind offer.



1 Reply 8753 Views

Hi David,


It is now Friday pm & the problem is still unresolved.  All I have had from Support is that it is "probably Energex not being up to date" but if this were so surely it would be a general problem and widely discussed here.  So I am taking you up on your offer to delve into the matter .  Anything else you need?


Thanks in advance,





0 Replies 8743 Views

Same problem here (QLD)


No data in App or my account, BUT it is in the csv file download.


What tarriff are you on, I got forced onto the new demand tarrifs + solar + a T33 hot water system. Wish I had known about the demand tariffs since the hot water would now be cheaper on the demand tariff with a timer.

2 Replies 8675 Views

I can’t see my usage since 28 nov. I contacted AGL couple of times. First time I was told that there is some account issues and App will be back in a week and that was nearly 3 weeks ago. I contacted them again after a week with same response. Very disappointing to see AGL taking their customers for granted.

0 Replies 8670 Views

Hi Asb,

No progress here either.  Very disappointing.  Only been an AGL customer for one month, probably won't be one for much longer!

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 8668 Views

Hi @Asb , is there a message displayed on your account usage page about why the usage is not available?

0 Replies 8609 Views

Looks like many accoubts affected


I also don'have usage since nov 28