Lack of electricity data on app and online

7 Replies 11917 Views

Has anyone else had this problem recently. This is the second time in two months this has happened and I haven’t  had any data show up in the app or online for over 10 days! Im getting extremely annoyed with this and have already reported AGL to the ombudsman about this last time, and now it’s happening again. I reported it,  had one phone call and since then nothing!!

Anyone else got any ideas about where to go with this  or should I go straight to the Ombudsman?  

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 6884 Views

Hi Wendell, welcome to AGL Neighbourhood! 


We'd need to investigate your account to see why this is happening for you, we'll send you a private message to check it out. 


Kind regards, 



1 Reply 6799 Views

Yes, I have the problem where the electricity data use on app has not updated for 5 days

2 Replies 6791 Views

Yes,  same happens with mine. Haven't had it update for six days at the moment, the app is crap.

Don't know what you can do about it though. 

1 Reply 6785 Views

But legally they HAVE to provide us with that information. I went to the Ombudsman last time after 4 weeks of no data and it still took them another 4 weeks! I got a reduction in my bill for inconvenience! Hoopla!!! 
mics sent them a message but have had no reply and this is happening just after they have updated the wifi to 4G! Utterly hopeless! 

0 Replies 6784 Views

I haven’t received any private message Nam. 

0 Replies 6774 Views

Yes same here no update since 25/8/22

AGL Moderator
2 Replies 6759 Views

Hi @Tonden, welcome to AGL Neighbourhood!

I can take a look at the account for you so we can get this fixed up. I'll just send you a Private Message


1 Reply 6751 Views

That’s great Mark, but you’re the second person who was going to pm me privately, and I’ve heard nothing from no one. Service as usual from AGL! 
goinv to the Ombudsman at 3pm

0 Replies 6750 Views

What about everyone else that's having this problem? There's at least four people here, mine hasn't worked for a week now.

Why aren't I getting daily updates on usage? This has happened a few times but not this long before, I hasn't updated for a week now. How can we manage our usage if you're not giving us the data. Just another way of getting bigger payments from clients.