Improve Login Screen

6 Replies 7736 Views
  1. Entering email address in login screen:        Since an email address can be entered as part of login info, could I suggest that you include the ‘@‘ and ‘.’ symbols to the first A-Z screen so user does not have to go backwards and forwards between the first and second screens to complete an email address.                             Ease of login:                                                        I have tried the ‘email plus password’ and the ‘email plus the 6-digit AGL generated and emailed verification code’ which is a bit simpler than having to enter a password. HOWEVER I think an initial 4 or 6 digit passcode, as can be used with many other Apps including banking Apps, would be a more user friendly option. This could be coupled with a 2-step ID verification code sent by email or SMS where required.
AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Needs More Info

Thanks for the feedback @Mar-mera-4 . Could you be a bit specific by what you mean by "include the ‘@‘ and ‘.’ symbols to the first A-Z screen so user does not have to go backwards and forwards between the first and second screens to complete an email address"

Super Charger

My understanding is Mar-mera-4 wants the AGL app to override the phone's default keyboard and show an '@' on the front keyboard to avoid needing to switch to the symbol variant. Not sure how this works technically - but would be a nice QoL update. Hopefully doable & cheap to implement! 

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Good Idea, Vote!

Thanks for the insight, @Panda , that makes sense. 


Re: Improve Login Screen (Neighbourhood | AGL Subscription Update)


I am using the AGL App on an Apple iPad Pro 10.5” using iPadOS 14.7.1


Further to my suggestion to include the ‘@‘ and ‘.’  symbols to the initial alpha keypad on the App login screen.


See AGL login keypads where Alpha keypad includes only alpha characters.

Log in options allow entry of an email address or a mobile number

A user entering an email address has to

- enter their email name on the alpha keypad

- go to the numeric keypad to enter ‘@‘ symbol

- return to alpha keypad to enter carrier name

- go to numeric keypad to enter ‘.’

- return to alpha keypad to enter ‘com’

- go to numeric keypad to enter ‘.’

- and return to alpha keypad to enter ‘au’ (where applicable)

which makes entering an email address a rather tedious process.


In other apps where the initial alpha keypad includes the ‘@‘ and ‘.’ symbols the user can enter their whole email address including ‘@‘ and ‘.’ symbols from the initial alpha keyboard without having to swap backwards and forwards between the alpha and numeric keypads which makes entering an email address a much simpler process.


I wondered why it is not possible to set up a 4 or 6 digit security code to sign in to this App thus eliminating the need to enter an email address or mobile number and a password. Banks and other institutions allow the use of such codes.


I set up a 4 digit security code but it seems that it can only be used to enable access to update account details after logging in with an email or mobile and password.


Hope this clarifies the point I was trying to make, that improving the Log in screen would help streamline access to the App and make it a bit more user friendly.





AGL Community Manager

Thanks for the extra detail @Mar-mera-4 , I'll pass this along to the devs. 


After the initial sign-in on the app though,  you shouldn't actually need to be signing in with your password each time. When I open the app, for example, I'm taken directly to my Overview tab, not a sign-in screen. Is that the case for you?

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Good Idea, Vote!