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ENA Semiconductor

Re: Adding another account to my AGL email login

"can you provide the instructions?" I am not sure what you are asking and who are you?
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ENA Semiconductor

Re: Adding another account to my AGL email login

Hello Vindo My problem is that I have a property in Adelaide (AGL Gas and Electricity ) and one in the country (AGL Electricity and Telecommunication) 200km apart but I use the same email address for both properties. Using the AGL portal I can easily access the Adelaide account,( which I have had for a very long time) but I can't access either the electricity or the telecommunication accounts in the country which I only opened up last year. AGL informed me I will need to use a different email ...
20 Replies 1 Like
ENA Semiconductor

Adding another account to my AGL email login

I have two properties one in suburban Adelaide, which has an AGL account for both gas and electricity, and the other, in country SA, which has an AGL account for telecommunications (internet) and electricity.I use the same email address for both properties/accounts. When I click "Make Payment " on any of the statements I can only ever access my suburban account. Can I add my country account to the same email address log-in?
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