Gothicaria's latest conversations

Gothicaria Semiconductor

Re: Refunding credit

I have sent them proof of ownership 4 times already. I have submitted it to the ombudsman this morning and will let them deal with them. I’m over it. So glad I moved providers and will warn everyone about them from now on.
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Gothicaria Semiconductor

Re: Refunding credit

As expected I reply to your private message and then nothing. I’ll be submitting this to the ombudsman. I’ve had enough.
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Gothicaria Semiconductor

Re: Refunding credit

Yes and appears every one I speak to has no record or idea about what I spoke to the last person about. They don’t want to give it back and are making it as hard as possible to get it. They have until Monday and I’m going to the ombudsman.
8 Replies 1 Like
Gothicaria Semiconductor

Refunding credit

Why is it taking so long to refund the credit on my closed account. I have called twice and online chat twice and sent an email to the payments email and with. No repsonse. Over the phone and on chat I was advised it had been organised and then nothing. I’m getting fed up and ready to involve the ombudsman.
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