brammers_'s latest conversations

brammers_ AGL Moderator
4 weeks ago

Re: Enhancing the AGL Rewards Program

Ahoy, Lester. I replied to this thread, and then noticed the link at the end of OP's (real human - who knows?!) message. Quite puzzling and hard to see what the motive is. I will send a note to the team and flag this - thanks for highlighting.
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brammers_ AGL Moderator

Which method of sharing information do you least hate?!

Hello Neighbourhood! I work at AGL, with a product development team, who work on My Account. One of our favourite features, the Electrify Now tool (which calculates savings - both $ and CO2 through swapping out appliances or installing solar), has helped many customers when considering their next move. Currently, we are designing a solution to help users better share the output - a short report with the savings, install costs, rebates and payback period etc. In doing so, we want to unde ...
1 Reply 1 Like
brammers_ AGL Moderator

Re: Enhancing the AGL Rewards Program

I've made use of the discounted supermarket vouchers quite a lot over the years. The discount offered has varied during that time, but if it's more than 3%, and I buy around the same $ amount as my monthly bill, I feel the effort is worth it and the $'s in my pocket can be spent on frivolous (fancy beers) purchases, guilt free.
8 Replies 0 Likes
brammers_ AGL Moderator

My Account update – February 2025 - Tell us what you make of it!

G'day all - first time posting, and doing so on behalf of the product development team here at AGL. We’ve had a great summer, with many team members enjoying holidays and time with family. But it hasn’t been all play – the team have delivered several valuable features, including some we’d like to share with you here.  Personalised solar saving forecastIf you've gone online to check your usage you might have noticed that, for eligible customers, we now highlight just how much you might stand to s ...
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