My Account update – February 2025 - Tell us what you make of it!

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G'day all - first time posting, and doing so on behalf of the product development team here at AGL.


We’ve had a great summer, with many team members enjoying holidays and time with family. But it hasn’t been all play – the team have delivered several valuable features, including some we’d like to share with you here. 



Personalised solar saving forecast

If you've gone online to check your usage you might have noticed that, for eligible customers, we now highlight just how much you might stand to save through installing solar panels on your rooftop.


This is done by analysing your own energy usage data, and combining that with what we know about sunshine levels in your local area. We then apply our knowledge of solar products and genuine prices across both the energy itself, as well as solar photovoltaic panel installation, to forecast the first year’s saving. Find the tile on the Usage screen of My Account.


We hope that by helping quantify the potential benefit for customers, we’ll encourage even more Australians to join the change.


Electrify Now improvements – standalone battery

We've also been hard at work bringing improvements to the Electrify Now feature, recently releasing an improved experience, that allows you to investigate the potential benefits of installing a battery alongside your existing solar setup.


If you haven’t tried it for yourself yet, we’d love for you to give it a try, and please do share any feedback. Start your journey to electrification via the For You tab in My Account today.


When we design features, we try and put the customer at the centre of our thinking, conducting interviews and collating feedback. We would genuinely like to hear what you think of the above, how you use it, why you don’t(!), what you would like to see next and so on. Please do share any comments about this update, here on the page.


If you have any firm ideas on what you want to see in future, there is also the My Account Ideas space, here on Neighbourhood, too. Many ideas have started life there – please help us keep them coming!