DiamondWu's latest conversations

DiamondWu Semiconductor

I have never used gas, why do I keep charging?

I have moved into my current address on December 20 last year and have never used gas in the past five months. Why do I keep getting billed? I didn't pay much attention to the first two bills, thinking they were account opening fees, so I paid them. When the third bill came, I found that the gas meter was off and the number had not changed since I checked in. What is this bill based on?I hope the relevant person can give an explanation.ThanksDiamond
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DiamondWu Semiconductor

Re: I didn't use gas, why am I charged?

Hi DeepeshLooking forward to your reply.ThanksDiamond
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DiamondWu Semiconductor

I didn't use gas, why am I charged?

I‘ve moved into my current address on December 20 last year and have never used gas.But,I don’t know why there are charge.Can anyone who knows explain it?Thanks
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