Butch's latest conversations

Butch Switched-on

58.16% increase in my energy bill - explain that

I received a letter from AGL to say that my 20c solar feed in tariff will be reduced to 12c for the first 14kw per day. On rerunning my usage calculations it showed a net increase of 58.16% in my energy costs after April 2023. How is this even remotely possible, fair or reasonable? I also checked all other providers to switch only to find that they are all equally bad. Typical of large corporates, they will hold the small man at ransom and such them dry. Shame on you AGL!
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Butch Switched-on

Re: Email from AGL about plan changing

I also received a letter saying that my 20c solar feed in tariff will be changed to 12c for the first 14kw per day. This after i invested heavily in solar to reduce my electricity costs. I reran all my usage calculations and it works out that my electricity costs have now gone up by 58.16%. This is nothing short of criminal. AGL, appears like other providers to be charlatans and fleece the community. AND, to top it all they still offer the best plan which shows what crooks the other providers ar ...
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