GazzaD's latest conversations

GazzaD Starter

Re: Json API to pull usage data

I'm an optimist about AGL. I have had some really good experiences with them. When they see the level of interest in this data I think they will look at it. It is a simple matter to code up. I've just bought a couple of these which I hope to get a sparky to fit in my meter box and I will hook them up to an ESPHome project on a Wemos D1 Mini: Non-invasive Split Core Current Transformer AC Current Sensor 100A SCT-013-000 from Banggood But an AGL Solution would be so sweet. *nudge* AGL Techs
86 Replies 0 Likes
GazzaD Starter

Re: Json API to pull usage data

+1 from me. I use Home Assistant too. It would be fantastic to be able to include AGL data in my setup.
86 Replies 0 Likes