Json API to pull usage data

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Hi Agl


Is there an API available so i can pull my usage data ( same data found in the downloadable scv at https://myaccount.agl.com.au/usage )  from my agl account to a database i'm creating to analyse my solar generation across multiple system and my power usage 


I don't think AGL is going to do **bleep** is there any Other provides I can move to that will



I have managed to get daily cost in my Home Assistant dashboard using a calculation sensor. My consumption data is coming from the Fronius Smart Meter which I had installed as part of my solar system. There are various inverter integrations so if any of you have solar with consumption monitoring you can get it going relatively easily. Also with the new Energy dashboard, HA makes it much easier and has hardwares to support it. I suggest you all look for alternatives instead of waiting for AGL to open up their API.


I'm an optimist about AGL. I have had some really good experiences with them. When they see the level of interest in this data I think they will look at it. It is a simple matter to code up.


I've just bought a couple of these which I hope to get a sparky to fit in my meter box and I will hook them up to an ESPHome project on a Wemos D1 Mini:


Non-invasive Split Core Current Transformer AC Current Sensor 100A SCT-013-000 from Banggood


But an AGL Solution would be so sweet.


*nudge* AGL Techs


Yea I just run a shelly em on solar and output

But now with ha energy tab want a more accurate reading

Even a way to parse a CSV file 

Hello AGL are you techs listening

If it was implemented like amber energy you would get more customers.  Just sayin







All we are really asking for here is a new, less convoluted and fragile authentication process for the existing API endpoints to enable systems like home assistant to pull data from your API.


+1 for an API - also interested in getting data into HomeAssistant


I think one issue to bear in mind is the resolution of the data. I think it will be 30min aggregate data. So if you want higher resolution I think there are 2 options:

  • CT clamp on the circuit(s) you want to measure
  • Sensor to measure blinks of the LED on your smart meter

I'm gonna investigate these options as it puts control back in my hands. 


Hi,  I'd like to add my vote for an API to retrieve data, even if it is only for the day before.

That way I can link it to my home automation, rather than manually copying values from a website every few days.

JS/JSON would be great.


Ok, if you are a home assistant user (you do not necessary have to be) but I have dodged teh need for this now, with the big push in HASS for power features I went and made/implemented this.


works great.


solar (orange), feedin (purple), grid (blue).



How is glow powered? This might have to be my first ESP32 project!!