What’s new in the AGL App – March 2019

AGL Community Manager
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Making payments easier, faster and smoother.


As part of our continuing journey to streamline your digital experience, our latest update to the app sees a new native payment system, accessibility support, and further improvements around login and password resets.

Your feedback continues to be important to us, so please keep the suggestions and comments coming! While this release is focused on quality of life improvements, we will continue to bring new and updated features in future to give you the best experience possible.




Native Payments

Payments are now handled natively inside of the app (instead of sending you to a separate page to make them). This aims to provide you with faster, simpler, cleaner and more secure payments.





Accessibility support

We’ve added accessibility support so that more people can benefit from the convenience of the app.



Password reset improvements
If you forget your password or need to reset for security reasons, it’s now much easier and faster to do so than before.





Fixed login issue
A small number of users have experienced an issue preventing them from logging in, which we’ve now addressed. If you have any further issues, you can report them here.


LogIn Issue.png



Improved billing
The bill details section has been redesigned for ease of use. The layout improvement also makes downloading a PDF of your bill much simpler by making the button more prominent. This will mean less menu browsing to grab a digital copy of your bill.





Under Consideration


Improving your billing
The team’s been hard at work setting up a structure within billing that will cater to more complex billing scenarios in future.

In the coming months, you can expect to see more sophisticated bill breakdowns that will cover complex bill scenarios as well as further considerations such as payment plans, direct debit and more.



Good ideas, please vote! 


Have your say!

We spend a lot of time thinking of ways to make your life easier, so we’ve always got ideas. But to make sure we’re giving you exactly what you want, we want to hear from you!

If you’ve got a few seconds to spare, you can help us determine which features we should be working on next. Visit the app feedback page, find an idea and vote (click on the thumbs up icon to vote) for the one/s  you like:


  • Solar improvements
  • Usage insights
  • Smart view for basic meters
  • Reminders before a bill is due
  • Billing improvements


Or, if you’d like to make a different suggestion, you can do so by visiting our app feedback page. We hope you love the new app as much as we enjoyed making it for you – and please, stay tuned to keep track of all the updates and developments we’ll be churning out for you throughout 2019.