solar panel output being restricted

4 Replies 6235 Views

I have a 6.6 kw panel system which during Dec and jan would produce up to around 3 - 3.5 kw of power at any point of time during the day which would amount to mid 30kwh to 42kwh for the day which covered any usage of our home plus would send excess back into the grid. excellent for me during the day but would obviously be using power at night and FIT no longer covered expense of night time usage.

I had a battery installed Tesla 2, which generally has meant that our grid power use has been nil until recently our power use has increased.

I am finding that our output from our panels hits the peak of around 3kw when full sun on panels (around 9.00 am) and then quite quickly output drops down and panel output reduces to at most 1.7 to 1.9kw.

with air con use kicking in due to the hot weather we are now using up everything in our battery and now using grid at night.

our system should be able to supply our battery and cover our air con during the day if it was still generating the 3.5 kw/40kwh per day it used to before the battery was connected.

what is going on that my panels output is being restricted? I'm only getting a third out of them than before the battery install.  

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Been in touch and getting back in touch as they’ve had the data for nearly a week now.

A quick look will tell them something is wrong and they need to send someone out to look at it at the very least 

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We have had the same issue since two of our neighbours installed solar. My theory for the little that it's worth is that the voltage in the wires getting too high and the smart meter cuts out for a while.

Super Nova
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To start off I am unsure of what is going on.


A point to clarify would be the location of the measuring nodes you are quoting.


If you are looking at data from the meter, then have you taken into account the power used to charge your battery? The output to charge will be subject to efficiency too.