Very high Electricity Bill

1 Reply 11794 Views

New build - 2 storey, 5 bedroom. Latest quarter is at the $800 mark with 9 days remaining. 2.859kWh used with 643kWh from solar. 8.2KW solar system installed - inverter light is green and working.  Away for Christmas period average cost $10 daily with about $0.15 return. Does not make sense. A/C is used around once every 2 weeks - if that. No pool. Basic living. No-one works from home. At a loss!

Called AGL - advised to call back after bill issued so they can investigate. Currently on a standard plan - wondering if it is worth changing to Solar Saver.


Any advice?

1 Reply 11046 Views


Without you stating exactly what your current plan it makes things hard to help.


Also confused with your stated usage "2.859kWh used with 643kWh from solar".


Now you can go to  this Australian Government Web page gives basic information about tariffs.


If you go to you can search for tariffs by any retailer in your location to compare rates.


I can tell you that if you have an Inverter Type AC unit installed you will be using 3kW per day as most units have an oil heater installed. So that equates to 270kW a quarter to start with.


According to the Energy Made Easy Web site and say, you live in Brisbane, you are living in a house with over 5 people  living in it based on your expected > $800 quarterly bill.


No-one but yourself can decide on what the best plan is for you but I would suggest that a Demand Type Tariff would not be a good option for you.


AGL standard rate for solar is 5c per kW exported (although I believe that this should now be 6c), Solar Savers rate will change you to 10c for the first <14kW per day and then 5c per kW for remaining export (>14kw).


This would give you a massive (14*$0.05) $0.70 increase in solar payment per day.


In making a decision about changing plans you need to completely understand what you average daily usage is and when you use it. Then be prepared to change your usage to fit the best plan.


For instance if you go to a TOU (Time of Use) plan then you have to work around the peak hours (normally from 15:00 till 01:00 hours and 06:00 to 10:00 hours).


For instance doing washing and running the dishwasher, dryer etc, during NON Peak hours.


Hope this helps.


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Cheers Neil


Cheers Neil

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3 Replies 11037 Views

Hi Neil


It is a Standard retail Contract on a Demand Tarriff. Most of our daily is usage is as per the below. 

Solar not used during the day!




Perhaps best to change to Solar Saver on Single Rate Tarriff. 

If you have anything to add please let me know, advice appreciated. 




0 Replies 11034 Views

Why are the Solar credits during the night? This is how it is across 98% of the days? 

0 Replies 11027 Views




I did state that a Demand Tariff is not a good option for most people....


Yet you have a demand tariff.


Based on the one days usage I suggest that you go for a Time of Use Tariff


The BLUE lines are solar input and the Yellow lines are chargeable electricity.


I suggest you look up DEMAND tariffs again. My understanding is that you pay for all electricity at the same rate but pay a for a DEMAND Tariff between 15:00 and 21:00.


Now the AGL website explains this as .


Basically it mean that the highest usage for a 30 min period over a billing month is doubled then you are charged that usage at your peak rate for that whole month plus you still pay for the all the electricity you used for the month plus the demand charge.


In your case it looks like you consumed 6kw for the period 20:00 to 21:00.


Now if that is correct you will have to pay that 6kW as a demand charge as (6kwH times your peak hour rate) times (the number of days in the month).


Once again look at my suggestions in my first post, if you would like me to do an analysis of your download file for free just send me a PM (Private Message) and I will send you a gmail address that you can communicate with me.


Cheers Neil

Cheers Neil

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1 Reply 10992 Views

Please explain why our daily usage looks like Pic 1 when everyone elses looks like the below image obtained online? We are getting charged for electricity during the day and solar credits at night! Make no sense at all - it shouldn't matter what plan we are on. The basis of solar is to use the solar during the day. I can not get a straight answer.

Our daily usage






1 Reply 10981 Views



I would be interested in seeing what your data file looks like.

My data file looks as below.


Now your file should look similar. My controlled load circuit is not connected at the moment as I heat my hot water during the day.


Can you grab a slice similar to mine above that shows using power and generating solar. Think they may have configured your meter incorrectly.


Now if you don't have a spreadsheet app installed then the file will display as  COMMA SEPARATED TEXT file


Above is the same section of the Download file but displayed in a text editor.


I have cut out some sections of the file in both shots as the file contains both your meter numbers and account numbers.


If you are having issues getting the data, just PM me and I will try and help you.


Now this is not an AGL issue as far as I know, as your Supplier configures your meter.


Cheers Neil

Cheers Neil

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1 Reply 10975 Views

Thanks Neil - please see below as requested. 




2 Replies 10973 Views

Wanted to add day time - Solar Nil




0 Replies 10971 Views



As I said your meter has not been configured properly.

The meter E1 is solar and the Meter B1 is actually SeasonalTime of Use.

Now armed with the correct data you must RING AGL and get this sorted out.

AGL will have to then arrange for your meter to be configured to the correct data streams.


Once again I will ask that if you like my replies to actually like them.


Cheers Neil

Cheers Neil

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