Very high Electricity Bill

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New build - 2 storey, 5 bedroom. Latest quarter is at the $800 mark with 9 days remaining. 2.859kWh used with 643kWh from solar. 8.2KW solar system installed - inverter light is green and working.  Away for Christmas period average cost $10 daily with about $0.15 return. Does not make sense. A/C is used around once every 2 weeks - if that. No pool. Basic living. No-one works from home. At a loss!

Called AGL - advised to call back after bill issued so they can investigate. Currently on a standard plan - wondering if it is worth changing to Solar Saver.


Any advice?

AGL Moderator
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Hi @Fil, what i'm going to do is send you out a private message so we can explore the account further and get this fixed up for you. Thanks- Mark