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I’ve had new solar panel installed .Received message that someone thing was wrong contact people that installed them.i received a massive bill that I can’t afford to py

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Solar installs are hit and miss I have found.

Some are good, others miss things, or don't configure correctly.

A lot of times most consumers just wouldn't know anything is wrong until the bills are not reflecting what was promised or expected.


You issue could be related to :

Bad solar install / configuration.

Incomplete solar company / energy supplier liaison with setting up.

Going onto smart meter, perhaps from single tariff to TOU, and this might not suit your power usage habits.

It could be a combination of the above.


I've heard of solar configured where production is actually added to usage, which is obviously very bad.


There are so many ways you could be getting this bad situation with new solar and a huge bill.

Your bill should show what's happening, especially comparing to the bills prior to your install . . . and certainly your interval data (available from your energy supplier or AGL) should help work out what's happening.


Ultimately, it's your solar company that is responsible to making sure everything is right, and goes through at the right time with the energy supply company, and metering, etc.

So get onto the solar company you paid to put in the system, or contracted others to do the install, they are the first point to get onto checking what's wrong and correcting it.