Solar Inverter

1 Reply 11367 Views

Hi AGL Community,

we recently on the 26th had a major black out, approximately 62,000 homes had lost power due to an explosion at the local substation which supplied parts on northern NSW and very mush most of Gold Coast. From what appears the solar inverter has stopped working, regardless of switching the circuit breaker back on. I am almost thinking this is the casue of this black out as i had found the circuit breaket tripped. my solar readings also provving this theary as it has completly stopped after i engaged the CB couple o ftime.

any ideas?

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 11361 Views

Hey Goldcoast,


Welcome to the community!


When power is restored to a household after a black out, this can sometimes cause circuit breakers to trip. This is a result of all of the appliances attempting to turn back on once power is restored, which puts a tremendous amount of stress on the circuits, which can trigger them to trip which is a safety mechanism. The results of this can unfortunately have an impact on your solar system, as this is wired through your circuit board! 


Hopefully this clears things up!



1 Reply 11359 Views

Thanks for th ereply Jayden.

in this case the only CB was the Solar inverter, all other CBs working ok.

I attempted to reset the CB and the results is zero power to inverter.

My option is to check to make sure the CB for the Solar Inverter is working or needs replacement.

but if the Inverter is damaged due to black out or potetially damaged by voltage surge, how am i to go about this?

Thanks again.  

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 11357 Views

Hey Goldcoast,


If you feel your property may have been damaged as a result of this outage, you may need to have qualified electrician attend the property to assess this. If this is the case, then you can look into making a claim directly through your home insurance provider if you have one, or through Energex directly here. 


Kind regards,

