Solar Feed in Units

1 Reply 5080 Views

Any guidance here, I have a 5KW system and my feed in units are very average at best and wanted to see if this normal. Has to be seasonal I assume based on trend below. August / September and October always seem to be the best months. TIA Steve


February - 67kw

January - 127kw

December - 118kw

November - 132kw

October - 244kw

September - 241kw

August - 265kw

July - 236kw

June - 151kw

May - 87kw

April - 134kw

March - 151kw


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5076 Views

Hey, stevegoldsmith!


Welcome to the AGL Community!


Seasonal variances do definitely impact all solar systems, simply due to to the fact that the sun is out more in summer than it is winter! However, it may be worth double checking a few things here given your system exported more power in June/July (387 kWh) than it did in January/February (194 kWh). The best place to start is by checking your inverter for any warning lights/messages.


In the case that you have a Net metering configuration at your property, it's also important to keep in mind that any additional consumption within your property (e.g. using the air conditioner heavily throughout summer) will have an impact on power that you export, as this will diminish the amount of surplus power that you're left with.


If there is anything else that we can help with or clarify, please get back in touch!



