Point of Attachment change

1 Reply 7211 Views

We thought we had gone through the 

proper channels, signed and submitted the forms and a huge company like AGL might be able to change over the point of attachment of our electricity supply in a timely manner.

Our pole was stood on our property 4 months ago.

Seemed like a fairly routine job, turn off the power 

shorten cable , snip and reconnect.

3 months later and numerous phone calls,

broken promises ,lost emails and the pass on and run  around, " not my department, but I'll pass you on to someone who can reassure you "

Very poor service AGL and Active Stream.

Thank goodness we didn't have a busy 

storm season and need something 

urgently !  Perhaps AGL could outsource 

and allow private trained contractors to do this 

routine work.

We are still waiting     I'll phone Manila Again tomorrow. and request a date. ??


AGL Moderator
1 Reply 7194 Views

Hi PeteGibson,


Thank you for providing this feedback.


I'm sorry to hear that you've found this process so frustrating. If you require further support after calling our team, please let me know and i'll see what I can do to help from my end.





0 Replies 7166 Views

 Dear AGL I do not want apologies and reassurances and passing the buck to someone else.

Just authorise a team out here to do this simple job a change of point of attachment. This is pathetic you take our  money     Say you are here to help

24/7 and then do nothing 

Worst customer service ever

The  Pyramids were built with more efficientcy

in a quicker time frame
