Community funding from AGL's wind farms

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Most Australian wind farms provide Community Enhancement Funding.  A recent report by the Australian Wind Alliance indicated that the wind farms owned or operated by AGL provided some of the lowest levels of funding for the hosting communities.  The median funding for all wind farms listed in the AWA report was around $600 per installed megawatt per year.  AGL managed around $100.


I would be interested in hearing AGL's comments or justifications for such a poor effort.

AGL Moderator
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Hi David,


Thanks for the question regarding community funding from AGL's wind farms.


The dollar figure AGL spends at each site was provided to the AWA by AGL, and it relates to community investment funds only, not additional or in kind support.


For example, we recently undertook an audit of community funding for our Hallett Wind Farm, and ascertained that we’ve spent over $100,000 more than we were required under our development approval since we began partnering with that community in 2008. This accounts for additional community development activities, sponsorships, and in kind support. 


Including the current financial year, AGL has contributed $629,450 to the communities around our Hallett Wind Farms since 2007/08.


This analysis also omits some relevant factors which should be taken into consideration. It does not include Oaklands Hill as an AGL asset, and it includes Silverton and Coopers Gap which do not yet have fully developed community investment funds.


If you have any further questions, please feel free to let us know.



