Persistent fault with my NBN connection which means that I cannot do my work.

1 Reply 1444 Views

I am very unhappy with the quality of AGL internet. I work from home and need a reliable internet connection. I have had non-stop problems with this since the day I picked up my modem at the post office. I'm over it. There is a persistent fault with my connection, and I can't maintain the VPN connection which I need in order to work. I have spent hours on the phone to your customer service number, but none of your customer service staff have been able to resolve the problem. They always tell me that everything is working fine, but it's actually not. I have also spent many hours on the phone to my company's IT people, and they have done every possible test and all come to the same conclusion: my internet connection is not consistent enough for the VPN to work. Your people will not send a technician out to test the equipment and connection. I have already paid for one private technician to come here and get me connected. He told me that you had sent me an unconfigured modem. He configured it manually. Things worked for a week or so, and then stopped again. Apparently something was changed in my modem... I have now booked a co-working space for the next two weeks, just so that I can keep my job! I can't continue with this situation, and I wish to cancel my internet contract and move to another provider. Please inform me of how to do this. Your charbot is hopeless, always says that the volume of traffic is too high. If you treat all your customers this way, I am not surprised there's a high number of chats.

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 1437 Views

Hi @CRH - sorry to hear you're dealing with these ongoing performance issues. I know how important a reliable connection is when you need to work remotely. To cancel your internet, you'll need to give AGL support a call and request disconnection. Make sure you've got yourself set up with your new provider before you do so, or you may be without an internet connection.

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I have signed up with Telstra. They will handle the disconnection.