Payment issue

1 Reply 103 Views

Attempted to pay internet bill via debit card as usual, get an error claiming my details are incorrect, however they are the same details used for previous bills.

Attempted to change automatic payments, same issue.

Reached out to support but they asked me to pay through the phone. I cannot make payments through phone all the time.

Bpay is only option that i believe works but it takes a few days to process.

Is this a site issue? as i have not had any issues with my card on any other website.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 82 Views

I am really sorry for how frustrating this would be! 
I can understand this is a hassle as it can lead to unpaid bills including late payments. I've seen this a fair few times what I can suggest is to make sure we have the correct last name spelling and date of birth as that can lead to the error of incorrect details, however, another thing we can check is making sure the website is up and running and seeing if the payment has been attempted too many times. 
We can look into this for you. 
Can you please call us on 131245 or speak with us on the online chat platform and we will be able to assist further for you.
Kind regards Natasha,