self meter reads

1 Reply 8239 Views

Re: self-meter read. 

What happens if I don’t have a basic meter? How will AGL do a meter read? How can I fill out a self- meter read application? Estimated bills make assumptions about appliances and usage. These estimates are often incorrect. What does a basic meter look like?

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 8199 Views

Some great questions here @Nani!


What happens if I don’t have a basic meter? How will AGL do a meter read?

If you have a smart meter, it is read remotely by AGL. If you have a basic meter, it is read periodically by your local distributor, and they send the readings to AGL. Or, you can send us a meter read yourself, if you like.


How can I fill out a self- meter read application?

There's no application required, if you want to send us a meter read, you can do it online through My Account, or through the AGL Energy app:


Estimated bills make assumptions about appliances and usage. These estimates are often incorrect.

This is true, but it's nothing to worry about, because your bill simply gets amended up or down the next time we receive an actual read. Of course, some people don't like the idea of ever receiving an estimated bill that doesn't match their exact usage, even if it's only temporary. If you have a basic meter and you don't want to receive an estimated bill, just send in a meter read yourself.


What does a basic meter look like?

The How to Read Your Meter page includes more details about doing meter reads and identifying your meter.

0 Replies 6938 Views

As an elderly person I don't think I will be competent enough from now on to self meter read or scan and email.  One meter is to high and the other too low and I find both difficult to access.  I hope the new bills are plain for me to understand.