reading new digital

2 Replies 1612 Views

I recently had my meter upgraded to a Atlas MK10D 3 phase. At present I am on a single rate tariff with solar.

I have 5 registers 1,3,13,4,14 and all are reading and increasing each week. I have observed that 1 is the time and have been advised that  "3" is amount Kw used and "13" is solar feed in. What are registers 4 & 14 ???.

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Look for other posts on reading meters.


I would think the registers 4 and 14 will be identical amounts for 3 and 13.


Registers 3 and 13 will be 30min reports and 4 and 14 will be 5min reports.


AGL uses the 30min reports for your download file.

Cheers Neil

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1 Reply 1601 Views

Are 3 & 13 registers same as 4 & 14 ?

I think a combined meter might have a cumulative reading as well, for when a meter might be reset.

Not entirely sure though . . .


I have a Mk10D for my import and solar export, they are the only registers I have on that, apart from the date / time, and are same as your reading 03 for import, and 13 for export.


I also have a Mk7A for the HWS CL, this has the register for that as 07, and does show a cumulative read on register 53 (which shows the same as 07, has never reset).

That meter has numerous more registers that have a zero reading, so not sure what they would normally be, apart from the 03 and 13 if it was a normal circuit meter.

In order these numbers on the Mk7A are 03, 13, 07 (CL), 43, 53(CL cumulative ?), 63, 04, 14, so 6 of those just scroll through with a zero reading.

2 Replies 1597 Views

Registers 03&13 are different to 4&14. The new meter was installed 3 weeks ago and I went on holidays the next day.

When I returned last week 3=215, 13=516, 4=284, 14=14. I rounded the decimal point up.

The readings today 3=269, 13=586. 4=323, 14=17.

I may have to read it over another couple of weeks to see if there is a pattern. The old digital meter had 6 registers and only 05 and 040 had readings.


1 Reply 1594 Views

Ok, all over the place there.

So you had an analogue meter prior to (what must be) a recent solar install ??

Makes sense, as you need to go to a digital meter for the two way comms.


Assuming you were on a fixed / single rate plan with analogue metering.

So, what sort of plan are you on now ??

Probably TOU (time of use), should say on your bill.

That will give a clue as to numbers, but looking at the figures, you might you have a CL for a HWS, or perhaps other applicable CL needs ?

Things like underfloor heating, maybe a pool pump ?


I'm not sure how demand tariffs work, and if they register through a digital meter, do you know if you are on a demand tariff ?

Demand is where you get charged for a billing period for the entire peak demand time, based on the highest amount drawn for ANY ONE 5/30 (?) min interval during peak in the billing period.

This might be metered somehow, perhaps through a smart meter register, or maybe it's simply done via the intervals data sent via the meter.

1 Reply 1589 Views

I have had solar for 15 years. The old 3 phase digital meter ( EDMI Allas 2000-1010) failed and was replaced. Were as the old meter had 6 registers which you could cycle through only 05 & 040 recorded. According to my account on the AGL web site I am still on a singlerate tariff with solar feed in. Hot water is solar with gas boosting. No demand tariff I am aware of.  That may change to TOU eventually.  This happened at another property we own (with solar) where the meter was changed to a smart meter but still on a single rate tariff with solar feed in. It has solar hot water & off peak boosting if required. Then 3 months later they changed to TOU and I get 3 readings, Buy in , solar feed in and offpeak.

0 Replies 1584 Views

Ah, ok.

If you click on your plan details on the app (or website a/c) you can see anything relative to your plan.

So a bit of a mystery what the 04 & 14 readings are, but I did a quick google on > atlas MK10D 04 14 registers < and would you believe this came up . . . 


So now I guess we just have to ask what 'excess energy consumed / exported' is, and how it affects you / your bills.

Could that be excess energy imported over and above self consumption, and excess energy exported that's produced over self consumption ??

1 Reply 1534 Views



If you download your usage file, you should be able to see what meters/registers are configured.


00657#B1Solar7/11/2020 0:0000A
00657#E1Generalusage7/11/2020 0:000.130A
00657#E2Controlledload7/11/2020 0:0000A


These are the first four lines of my file, I have removed columns to allow easy read for you.

I have a single meter, I have Solar, General Usage and Controlled load.

The important bits are the defined registers, B1, E1 and E2. (NMI Configuration)


In my file I have three rows for each 30min interval.


I just checked my meter and find that my Duplicate readings have now been removed from the meter, so I only have 4, 5 and 6 configured now. (It has probably been 6 or 7 months since I looked at my meter box).


I can however see from my Supplier my old 30 min files and my new 5 min files in NEM 12 format, however they are in EASTERN STANDARD TIME.


The AGL files supplied are in your LOCAL time.

Cheers Neil

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0 Replies 1519 Views

Hi Neil C Thanks for your input. I downloaded my usage file & only have 2 registers E1 (general usage) & B1 (solar), readings are every 30minutes.

Reply for Lester. Following your post I have checked several sites looking for information on registers 4 & 14.

Your comment "excess energy exported that's produced over self consumption ??". I find it a little hard to comprehend but, I thought, as we are on NET metering excess solar produced after self consumption is exported and captured on register 13(B1). Also with register 3(E1) we only import power when we use more than the solar is producing.