meter reading

1 Reply 1019 Views

We've just joined AGL, and are a bit mystified about the first useage/feedin information in our account.
For context, we have an 11kwh solar system, and a 5kwh battery. The battery is normally charged by about 10.00am, and then we start to export. Export ends at about 4.00pm in winter.
We don't use aircon at this time of the year, the HWC is on a timer to start at 9.00am and stop at 4.00pm and our main other consumption is TV/fridge/computers etc.
Most days, again at this time of the year, the battery is still at around 20% when we get up in the morning, so our grid consumption is historically low.
Last month our energy balance  was : export 550kWh, grid consumption 16kWh.
Today I looked at our balance for yesterday (our first day with AGL) and see that our export and consumption are both about 14kwh for the day!
Any clues about what may be happening - perhaps it's just a glitch in the smart meter process?
Thanks for any advice.

0 Replies 1012 Views

All seems to be fixed now. Very happy thanks.