Questions and discussions about your electricity and gas meters, connections, disconnections and more
Hi there,
I received a gas bill for this month as he was almost 300% of what it was before.
So I decided to submit my own readings, and then something even more outrageous happened, the reading on June 20 was 38,666(pic 3), but in just four days, which is now June 24, that reading went up to 39,140(pic 1).
This means that in just four days, our family used 4740l, 63 dollar(pic 2) of hot water?
There are only two girls in our house, we rarely cook, and the past four days have just been normal water use (washing up and showering).
I've never paid attention to water meters before, so I don't know exactly what this START READ is, but what the hell is going on with 63 dollar in 4 days and the tripled gas bill.???
There's been numerous such posts in the past couple of week re gas charges.
Maybe check this thread, and ask AGL to check your bill / calculations aren't being charged incorrectly . . .
Good to talk to them I feel, but the chat or message service might work as well . . . find those here . . .
Hi @godofpillow! Did you manage to get this sorted out? We have run into a similar issue at my new apartment and it seems like we have the same hot water meter but our conversion factor is very different. Ours is 1.006329.