Wrong gas meter number linked to my account

1 Reply 770 Views

Is there anyone from AGL can help me link the right gas meter to my gas account.


My gas account was keep linking to wrong gas meters after I ask the AGL staff to fix the issue. 


I talked with AGL staff via app online chat and explained issue. They always help me to reconnect the service. But the connected meter is still wrong. 


I have trying to fix the issue by taking with AGL staff online at least 5times, over almost 2 months. The issue still exists. 


Anyone can help me fix it?

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 751 Views

Hello @SeanL


I am sorry to hear about the trouble you have been facing with linking the correct gas meter to your account and can appreciate how frustrating this would be. 


We value customer service and getting things right and want to ensure that we resolve this matter for you and get the right meter connected. 


So that we can take a further look into this for you, I'll send you a private message and get some details from you. 


Kind Regards, 
