What codes are used on an Atlas MK7A meter in South Australia

1 Reply 34593 Views

What do the codes 07, 03, 13, 43, 53, 63 represent on a Atlas MK7A meter ?

1 Reply 5869 Views

Thanks Neil for that really comprehensive information.

I will check out Myaccount to see what usage info is available.

I mainly wanted to see if the time on the meter could be adjusted to SA time so that I don't have to think too much about 

whether I am using peak or shoulder load.

I assume the smart meter will automatically allow for usage based on the time of use.I just need to be mindful of the time difference.

0 Replies 5818 Views

Can you please tell me what these two codes represent?





2 Replies 5598 Views

Rob56, I was under the (perhaps mistaken) impression the meter was possibly set to between ACST and ACDT and why it is now showing 30 mins behind actual daylight savings time through summer.

I thought it would then read 30 mins ahead once we switch back to normal time on the first Sunday in April (7th).


I do have 2 meters, the EDMI Atlas Mk10D for normal TOU and solar feed in, and the EDMI Atlas Mk7A for CL.

Both read the same date and time.


Wouldn't you think that the smart meters could be adjusted automatically for ACST and ACDT Adelaide time, or indeed instead of a possible AEST / AEDT setting ?


They can do almost anything with these meters remotely, time zone and daylight savings changes should be easy.


It would be nice to be able to set HW system timers, appliance timers, etc to reflect actual time on meter and in reality, the TOU tariffs are confusing enough as it is !!

I will have to clarify with AGL once I get a need to call them regarding something else, or try the chat online.




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Hi Lester,

I wholeheartedly agree.
With all our technology, you would think that it would be fairly simple( for so called smart meters) to record local time, instead of interstate time.

I did contact AGL about this, but they told me that the energy regulator has mandated that all meters have to be set to eastern state time, and then it is up to either SAPN or each energy company, to adjust their timing. This was back in August 2023, so I can’t remember exact details.

Hope this is of some use.


0 Replies 5587 Views



Hi Russ, fancy meeting you here !!??

Pretty sure I know you brother.

0 Replies 5585 Views


Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

I will confirm and then refigure how to get timers etc on the right track for various times of the year.

Have to wonder now about whether they do it for straight AEST, and not also AEDT, and how does QLD get on with no DST up there ??

Very confusing all round.

2 Replies 5525 Views


The NEMO (National Energy Market Operator) has declared that all times shall be set to AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time).


Now this is fine except for the fact that USERS like you and me prefer to know the TIMES that we are being charged for.


For instance today the download file (. ZIP available from the APP and My Usage page on the web) has for some reason not been converted into local time.


So the file is only usable for QLD users, (who think that DST will cause their curtains will fade), but even this is not true, as the current file shows NO USAGE INFORMATION for the 30th Dec 2023.


Now My Bill is due to be issued on the 3rd Jan 2024, the data shown on the web (and APP) is incorrect and if I am charged using that data, I won't be concerned, however once they realise the issue they will then issue new bills and of course in their normal standard will then inform ALL the credit agencies that you are in debt.


I am sending an email to the Manager in charge hoping that he is still working (or checking his Emails at least).


I can download the data from the SA Power Networks site but their data  is ALWAYS in EST and I have to correct for that. Also the data from SAPN is in 5 min intervals as AGL had my Smart Meter configured to 5 min intervals some time ago.


The reason they did this, is so that they can charge you more, if you are on a DEMAND tariff. On a 30min rate you are charged the HIGHEST usage in a hour times by 2 (to get a kWh).


Now on a 5min interval you are charged the highest usage * 12 to get the kWh rate.


Its no wonder that people get confused about their bill.


Now the rules have changed and RETAILERS now have to tell you if there is a better rate than that you are on.


But they only do that on a bill???


Anyway that's life and if you read my reply and really think it's worth it click the LIKE button.


Otherwise I am going to give up on these pages because of selfish B's who get answers but don't respect the people that give the answers.


Has not been a reply from any AGL people on this (and many post's like this) for sometimes.


I do agree with them on this though. My smart meter has been reset many times. There is no point reading your meter unless you do it EVERY day at the same time (MIDNIGHT) and log what you see.


There are hidden menus on all meters that allow you to see your current usage, the voltage, the cycles and many more.


Decoding the data supplied from the AGL website is the only way to check your usage, I have been doing this for many years now and have picked up many issues that have occurred when they do changes which I pass on quickly to the correct people.


Not an AGL employee, but a concerned user.

Cheers Neil

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1 Reply 5480 Views

@NeilC thanks for the info.


Definitely solves the AEST setting, but does this change with AEDT too ?

Not at all happy with the way NEMO dictate this, how can one get the best usage in their region with time zone / DST type changes through the year ?


"AGL had my Smart Meter configured to 5 min intervals some time ago."

My meters are both on 30min intervals, hopefully stays this way.

I am not on demand tariff (haven't even looked at that) just straight TOU.


Oh, and AGL didn't give an option to stay on flat tariffs, like you are SUPPOSED to be able to do if you wish.

Just said you'll be getting a smart meter with the solar upgrade and going onto TOU !!

More than a couple of solar battery people have told me you can request to stay on flat rate, but my solar installers did not point this out . . . to enable me to request this from AGL when going through the meter 'upgrade'.


"The reason they did this, is so that they can charge you more, if you are on a DEMAND tariff. On a 30min rate you are charged the HIGHEST usage in a hour times by 2 (to get a kWh).

Now on a 5min interval you are charged the highest usage * 12 to get the kWh rate."

THIS seems like a total rort.

Yet another way to squeeze out profits as more and more take up solar, and more so, install a battery, seeing bills reduced to almost a service charge ?


"Its no wonder that people get confused about their bill."

I think that's the whole idea !


"Now the rules have changed and RETAILERS now have to tell you if there is a better rate than that you are on.

But they only do that on a bill???"

Noticed on my last bill, suggested Seniors Saver (same as Value Saver, but with a one of $25 sign up rebate, hmmpf !).

I changed to that, then recently again changed and went to EV Night Saver, same rates as the best plans, but only 8c per KWH between 0000 and 0600 (whatever time zone that is !!) and that applies to ALL POWER coming into the home for that 6 hrs.

At the moment in SA 0030 - 0630.

Timer for HWS going in very soon 🙂


"Anyway that's life and if you read my reply and really think it's worth it click the LIKE button.

Otherwise I am going to give up on these pages because of selfish B's who get answers but don't respect the people that give the answers."

I've given you a like here (and in other threads), some like getting the appreciation . . . me, I'm ok just helping / offering thoughts without obligation, maybe just because I'm never been / really not on any social media apart from youtube.

Also, many that use this site probably don't come back as often (or ever) as other forms of media, and perhaps don't think about how much a reply sometimes entails.


Thanks again, and look forward to more banter regarding energy issues.


1 Reply 5469 Views



Thanks for the feed back.


Now, you do know that SA Power Networks allows you to download your usage file from their site.


The link is:



Just to annoy you a bit more, the data is in Eastern standard time, which makes it just about useless to use, and they break up the data, so I have to manually select the data I wish to decode.


One thing about the site is that it supplies the data in your DATA rate, for my account this is 5min data, AGL supplies me the data in 30min intervals which is converted to SA Time. However they have access to the 5min data, which I believe you are billed in for Demand rate.


This is the reason you may find that your meter reads may be identical for different codes


So I suggest you log into this site and find out what your meter interval really is.


NEMO also specifies the file format that should be used (either NEM12 or 13). The NEM format file is very easy to use.


I have written two programs so that I can extract the data into reports very quickly, then use this data to calculate what my bill will be and pay the expected amount in fortnightly payments.


Now my bill is due tomorrow, and it should be a credit of about $3.29 depends on the cloudiness of the sky


I will know the final amount around 3pm tomorrow and AGL will probably supply the bill on Thursday or Friday.


Have stated this in many places but unless you are on a fixed Tariff for all your meters knowing your meter reads is useless. If you are on any other Tariff, you need to know all of the data for the day.


Have a Happy New Year.




Cheers Neil

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1 Reply 5464 Views

@NeilC I just looked up the Demand tariff and how it's charged.


  • Demand - Demand charges are based on the load you place on the electricity network. They’re measured over 30-minute intervals during your demand time period. The highest measure for the billing month is used to calculate your demand charge for the entire month. Demand charges may also change by season.

How we calculate your demand charge


Meet Davis

Davis is on a demand tariff. The demand rate is $0.25 per KW per day. We calculate the highest usage value by multiplying the highest 30-minute kW measurement during the defined demand period by two. In this instance, 3kWh x 2 = 6kWh.


Review their usage

We review usage during the defined 'demand' period for this month and find the highest usage. In the above instance, 3kWh x 2 = 6kWh


Calculate their daily demand charge

Highest usage value this month: 6kWh x Davis' demand rate: $0.25 = Daily charge: $1.50


Calculate their monthly demand charge

Daily charge: $1.50 x No. of days in billing month: 31 days = Demand charge: $46.50


Not as bad as I thought it might be if each hour was based on highest kwh 30min or 5 min block in an hour.

So it's merely the highest 30min (or 5min) kw per block of time x 2 (or 12), gives you the total daily kwh chargeable.


That's not too bad if you aren't charging an EV (just under 8kw on max for sons Tesla) or have other very high use machinery etc operating . . . and in conjunction have a battery that can handle shoulder / night use.


With the right solar and battery, you could feasibly have nil kwh use for a 24hr period.


** Just saw your post above after replying.

have been downloading the 2 year use file from AGL site, very informative to see when all the various usages are happening, particularly the HWS on CL-TOU . . . yes, I am on 30min interval.

Pretty sure the 30min / 5min interval type readings are only for Demand tariff use ?


I will check out the SAPN site info too, might be as useful, or even more so.


I can see from our consumption and production, we should only see us having a real issue with Winter, perhaps May - July where we might not cover our usage and produce an excess of power, so if solar doesn't cope for 1, 2, or 3 months, I will be able to charge the battery between midnight and 0600 for the 8c rate.

Hopefully. Not sure what rules might pop up re that !

You have a happy and energy positive 2024 too !