My meters on my neighbour's property

1 Reply 5032 Views


Im living in a strata titled property with 2 units on a single piece of land with a common wall. My Issue is that the meters connected to my property are physically present in a box on my neighbour's property.

Just want to know if that's common in the greater sydney region or there are codes and standards which would call for respective unit meters to be on their respective properties.

All other meters, like the water meter, gas meter are all separate which is intriguing me to raise the concern.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 5014 Views

Hi Atool! 

Welcome to AGL Community!

This can be fairly common set up when there might be a 'granny flat' or a separate unit behind a main or front premise. You can however, speak with your electrician and they'll be able to attend your premise and inspect the set up. 


Kind regards, 

