Meter recording 1-2c usage per hour when fully supported by Solar/Battery system

1 Reply 2216 Views

Does anyone have a system that shows hourly use of a few cents (when looking at the online usage data), even when the system is fully supported by Solar Panels and Battery Storage? I have only just noticed this and it's costing me up to 50c per day. It's not much, but will add up over the quarterly bill. The reading shows zero only when my meter is exporting back to the grid.

I think a call is required to AGL to have it checked out.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 2207 Views

Hi Simon1! 

Welcome to the AGL Community! 


We'll be able to check your interval data and see what usage data we have for you, please Contact Us and we'll investigate the amounts for you. 


Kind regards, 

