Meter reads

1 Reply 2509 Views

After recently connecting to the AGL App I have tried to take advantage of the ability to read our meter to try to get a handle on our usage. The AGL website shows photographs and details of meters but our meter model is not shown. Our meter is an ATLAS Mk7A and the nearest to it shown on the website is Mk7A2 which shows similar readout details to ours BUT our meter has two additional readouts which are not explained. They are 04 and 14 at the end of the readout scroll through. I would like to know what these readouts refer to. After almost two hours spent on phone calls to AGL (with long waits each time) I have had no luck. I was told to contact the meter installers but that resulted in being told that they could not supply details to me only to my supplier (AGL). On tow further calls to AGL I was put on hold and on each occasion the calls dropped out ( or were intentionally disconnected hoping I would go away). 

Can anybody help me with details of what these two readouts refer to.

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 2496 Views

Hi @AlanN, welcome to AGL neighbourhood!

To answer your question, it would depend on what electricity requirements your property has. For example, hot water is usually its own register, and Solar will be another one if you have that!  

If the phone is having no luck, you can also contact us online here


1 Reply 2494 Views


Thank you for your interest in our questions.

As well as the normal electricity requirements of a suburban residence we have a solar hot water system which has an electric connection to boost hot water during prolonged overcast conditions. we have this boost switched off most of the time as there are only two persons resident here and we do not have excessive hot water requirements. We do not have and solar power devices. 

Despite one of your Resolution team members (whose name I have recorded but will not divulge here) telling me that I do not need to know what the readouts on our meter refer to as I "cannot read my own meter" and do not need to I would still like to know the details requested for the various readouts as one of them changes daily and surely must have some significance in relation to our billing. 

I might add that your staff member who told me I do not need to know about how to read my meter was unable to tell me why AGL devote a lot of space on the website detailing how to read meters and giving photographs of various meters if there is no need for us to know how to read a meter. It is a pity that the website does not include the particular model of meter that we have installed.

I would appreciate it if somebody would provide me with precise details of the significance of the readouts on our meter which has been described in my original post.


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 2471 Views

Hi @AlanN,


I've just sent you a private message letting you know how to proceed with your enquiry.




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