How do I read new Landis+Gyr 355 smart meter ?

6 Replies 102369 Views

Hi everyone,

I've just had a Landis+Gyr 355 smart meter installed at home. I've received no information on this meter and cant seem to find it, or any information, on the internet.


Is anyone able to tell me what the different codes correspond to?  I have general use Tariff 11, Economy Tariff 33 and I have a PPA with Energex through to 2026 at $0.44 per kW.  Im stuggling to work out the different codes.

According to the AGL App I have almost ceased exporting power to the grid from the date of installation.


Can someone help fill these codes in for me and/or point me to a customer/user information sheet for this meter?


Thanks AvH_40

1= time

2 = Date

3= ?

4 = ?

15 = ?

16 = ?

21 = T33 (Pretty sure)

22 = isnt being used.

0 Replies 8291 Views

Colin, your message came in as I was typing so I didn't include a response in my last post. In case you haven't realised by now none of the authorities (who SHOULD provide this information) will provide it. You would have more chance of winning lotto than getting any answers/responses from any of them. I'm beginning to suspect that the various "customer services" that we deal with have no understanding or idea what they're actually doing when faced with questions like this. As I said in an earlier post the only way I got the information I have is by initiating a callout and having a, shall we say, robust discussion with the tech. The language was quite "colourful" and it took some convincing to get him to provide the information.

0 Replies 8039 Views

Regarding Landis+Gyr codes: 

  • 01 = time
  • 02 = date
  • 03 = total energy consumed
  • 04 = solar
  • 15 = standard (peak) supply
  • 16 = ?
  • 21 = off-peak load 1
  • 22 = solar exported

If anyone still needs it.

1 Reply 7934 Views

Please provide a detailed explanation of how to read a Landis and Gyr  E 355 smart meter

2 Replies 7927 Views

I have given the codes in my post above. Repeating: 01 - time, 02 - date, 03 - total used, 04 - solar collected, 15 - standard supply, 16 - ?, 21 - off-peak load 1, 22 - solar exported. The display changes every few seconds.

1 Reply 7919 Views

I have another thread going - Reading E355 meter - which has some information about the meter. The green button also allows you to step through additional functions, but so far I haven't worked out a pattern for it or what some of the readings are for. I've managed to get the display locked into a cycle displaying a couple of readings but don't know how I did it and it took me a while to get out of it. Not even the tech I called out knew how to use it!!!!!!

1 Reply 7914 Views

I have worked out the codes (except 16) by comparing the readings with my past usage. I was told by the man who installed the meter never to touch the green buttons - there is one on the side as well. I am absolutely amazed that no one seems to know anything about it! Appalled, actually. I've ordered my meter check for accuracy. Maybe whoever shows up will know something substantial about it.

2 Replies 7909 Views

Your joking!!!! Whoever told you that has no idea what they're talking about!!! That green button is used to provide a boost to your hot water system. If you hold it in for a few seconds you will hear a click and the hot water heater will be activated, hold it in again to turn it off. It also cycles through various menus but I still haven't sorted that out. You CANNOT cause any problems to the meter by pressing it. This is further evidence of the incompetence of some of these installers. As for the person coming out being able to help you, don't hold your breath. If you've read this thread and my other one I mentioned you will have some idea of what we're up against in trying to find information about this meter.

AGL, as the retailer, and responsible for the meter, appear unwilling to make any effort to provide operating instructions for the meter. In that they appear to be no different to other retailers.

0 Replies 7908 Views
He said that the buttons are for the service people to program the thing.
So there you are. It seems that for some reason they want to keep their
customers in the dark. Nowadays we are supposed to trust corporations...
Thank you for your input!
1 Reply 7718 Views

This is similar to what I worked out over the first three months I had this thing; however, the next 6 mths have changed my mind.  If 03 is total used, then it would equal the sum of 15 and 21 - it did for 3 mths but now it is very different.  22 is not used.  For the first few mths 04 and 16 appeared to both be solar exported, they were both the same value; however, they are now quite different so I am not sure anymore.  If agl used this meter's reading for billing, one might get a better idea - but they don't - every bill since Sep23's installation, has referenced an "estimate" which is a ridiculously incorrect (about 600% lower than actual) piece of nonsense.

2 Replies 7709 Views
You are probably right about the growing difference between the sum of 15
and 21, and what's displayed at 03. The last time I checked 03 was 0.1
higher than the sum of the other two. I am waiting for my first bill after
the change — it's due next month. I still do not understand why the codes
are kept such a secret. Unbelievable!