Terrible nightmare and dishonest and deceptive service of my internet by AGL TEAM - trust nobody!!

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Has been with AGL MORE THEN 1 year and I must say all this time was filled up with mental suffering headaches and stress
The internet I was paying for was supposed to have speed of 50 but on many occasions particularly when I would settle down in front of my Apple TV TO watch am itune movie on my Apple TV the speed would drop to less then 1 (!!!)
Complain to tech support many times and even managed to get connected with top ( his own word) internet support manager called Robert who after maybe 30 of twiddling with something on his end improved it somewhat but then next week it happened again and again and again%!!!!
Getting across to AGL is very difficult and usually one must be very tolerant as waiting time stretches to more then 20 minя!,, - 20 min hanging on the line with music blasting in your ears!!!
I measured the speed and it was like less then 1 ( one) and when I asked for small credit AGL we’re not in a hurry to give it to me
Once during my numerous complains I managed to get to another of their managers called Lily who first were rude and abrupt on the phone speaking at astronomical speed and slowing down only after I po,itely asked her to slow down
My polite request to be connected to Robert was met with almost screaming reply ( I had to remove my earpiece from my ear- NO!!!
Almost historical followed by gruff voice telling me :” I am on the same level as Robert”””
I obviesly hit the soft spot in this lady !!
I mentioned to her that during the heavy rain ( at that time sydney went through very wet period) my internet reception falls below one so maybe she Lily can organised NBN TECHNO to check my NBN box located on the street - maybe it’s gotten flooded during the rain%?!?!?
Lily promised to organised it but it was the last time I heard of her- in the meantime the counter has not stopped and AGL kept on charging me $70 / month - good internet or bad!!!
Any conversations with other technical staff led nowhere nor my polite request for some credit for poor quality of their service
One day I decided enouph is enouph and I phoned telecommunications Ombudsman
I requested the refund for 50% of my cost of internet service owned to AGL And refund for my modem ($150)
in the meantime my internet service was suspended and I couldn’t watch my favourite movies purchased from ITunes nor using internet
Few days later I received email from their reconcile team telling me they agree to 50% refund but refused to credit for their modem!! They claim AGL has not charged me for this modem
However sales team from AGL informed me that AGL DID CHARGE me for the modem but it was not transparent charge but was intertwined with internet service charge!!!
to save myself any further headaches I agreed to their terms of settlements
This officer from AGL told me in a threatening tone : if you refuse our offer we may not offer you such a generous offer again
Maybe she was bluffing or maybe she was not- I became so sick and tired from it that all I wanted was to finish this business and find myself new internet provider!!!
I found AGL VERY DE EPTIVE and dishonest company to deal with and I’d like to warn you people to avoid it like bad disease !!!!
I described honestly my personal experience so please stay away from this bunch of liying people
Save yourself headaches and mental anguish and stress!