Overcharged on internet

1 Reply 1212 Views

Signed up for internet plan which was advertised as $84 per month with $35 off for the first 12 months, leaving a monthly charge of $49. The first bill was charged at the full $84, i phoned up to sort it out and after spending an hour on hold while i was at work i was told that "yeah look i'll send a note to the billing team and hopefully they'll sort it out but you might get another bill that's wrong but it's going to be easier if you just pay the full amount and then when it gets sorted out you'll be credited." Every bill after that has been $69 which is $20 more than i signed up for. However I've still paid the full amount in the belief that it will eventually be credited. But then I've just recieved a notification tonight saying my internet bill is overdue and pay immediately! I paid it over a week ago. Every time I've tried to call I've been on hold for too long and haven't gotten through to anyone, and the online chat application is absolutely useless. Just an AI bot which can't help with anything of significance. This has completely turned me off of AGL as a whole and a soon as i can get through to a representative i will cancel my nbn plan and go somewhere with a bit more professionalism, and i honestly feel like cutting ties with AGL Energy as well. I can only advise anyone who is considering AGL NBN to steer clear.

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 1200 Views

@AGL_Sucks , that sounds enormously frustrating, I'm sorry you've had such a hard time getting this sorted out. 


Hopefully this has been resolved, but if not, you might consider our Complaints process. Incidentally, while the Messaging system does have a bot to handle the most common issues, you can always ask to be connected to a human agent.