No notification of telecommunications price increase

1 Reply 644 Views

I just received a telecommunications bill today with a rate hike including a backdate rate hike for 24 days from the previous paid billing period. No notifications received regarding such hikes. The rate hike for the basic plan went from $69 to $77 (before the monthly AGL energy discount is subtracted) but the rate advertised on the AGL website is only $74?


I called AGL about the new rate and the lack of notification. They admit the $77 was a mistake and the new rate should be $74 and change the displayed billing amount due on the app (though the PDF bill is still incorrect). As for the notification they say that they had sent all customers an email on the 11/09/2024 and asked me to check my email... no email received in my inbox or spam. Had I known of the rate increase and backdate I would have changed providers before I got billed the new rate. I ask for them to forward the email to me so I can at least read it now but apparently it's not possible because the 'system' won't allow it.


I had called AGL earlier this year in August about the price of my plan as the displayed number had changed on the app. The agent sent me a text to say my plan will not change unless I change my plan. I'm assuming it was a mistake on their part and they were not meant to send me such a text to confirm future pricing. No other agent on the phone will acknowledge it anyway.


I call again to cancel my plan, I reiterate that I did not receive any notifications about the rate increase. I ask when the email was sent, he tells me that it was sent some time between 15/10 and 30/10 (different dates to the other agent) but because the 'system' sends the notification to all customers he doesn't know the exact date and again cannot send me the email again because the 'system' will not allow it. I can only conclude they make up random dates to shut me up. I ask if I can check why my email doesn't receive increase notifications or if I can confirm/make sure this doesn't happen in the future (for my energy account), answer is 'sorry can't do that'. Then I ask how I can ever find out any future rate increases if I don' receive these emails (mind you I receive every other type of email from AGL)? If you won't send it to me, can I at least check myself on the AGL website for any rate increase notifications? I get put on hold for 5 minutes for the agent to twiddle his thumbs and 'check'. Answer is 'sorry not possible'.


Good luck to anyone still on AGL internet.


AGL Moderator
1 Reply 600 Views

Hi @mle 
I can't being to imagine how frustrating this would be for you and I am so sorry about this experience you have had with us.
I do know that there were a couple of our customers who also didn't receive the email notification of the price change for the internet.
We do appreciate the feedback, and again, I am sorry about this experience.
Unfortunately this is also something not found on the app/website.
The reason for the price increase is because the plan you were on before, we no longer offer the plans anymore which is why there was a price increase.
Thank you, Sheena
AGL Telecommunications

1 Reply 517 Views

I fail to see how AGL can reply with such a lame spineless response with no customer-focused solution and call this forum message "solved." 


Appalling. I've had this same experience of bill shock due to zero notification – and these forums show it's looking common – so AGL you can kiss us with our nbn and electricity goodbye, and we will never return. 


And I'll also enjoy trash talking your customer service to all I meet too.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 506 Views

Hi @unimpressed 
I am really sorry to hear you were impacted by this as well with not receiving notification of the price change.
I know this has made quite an impact on our customers and we are working on ensuring this does not happen again.
We really value this feedback.
We do ask, when you speak with us, you treat us with respect when speaking with us.
Thank you, Sheena
AGL Telecommunications