AGL meter estimates

1 Reply 637 Views

AGL is guilty of a company fraudulent policy concerning meter estimates.

you send your own reading, which is less that their estimate, even within 24 hours of them giving notice of the charge, and the response is that you’re TOO LATE.

This dishonest practice give AGL many millions of dollars every billing period to which they are not entitled.

they can obtain interest on the overcharged money until the next estimate or meter reading.

no doubt some dishonest bean counter came up with this, and those implementing the

practice should be prosecuted.

1 Reply 630 Views

It's a bit of a pain, but if you miss the upload cut off day / time (which I'm not sure about what that is), and the estimate is an amount over that is hard to bear financially, you can call them up and provide that, they will adjust bill and reissue for you.

You can probably do this by chat too, which is easier to wait in line for.


I have analogue meter at my workshops, and I have done that a few times, but usually now with the app I just upload through a quarter periodically to keep an eye on current usage, and upload as close as I can to end of period, say day or two before the read is due.

It's always issued in the figure I put in.

1 Reply 594 Views

Yes, fair enough - but I sent the meter reading within 24 hours of receiving the estimate-based bill!

1 Reply 586 Views

For sure the meter read / submission must be done before the final read due date.

Once passed it's too late, the bill's been estimated, worked out, and due to be emailed or posted.


Was there a reason the bill was estimated ?

This is usually written on the bill, often a locked gate / no access, or dog present are the most common reasons given for lack of an actual read.


If it happens more and more, it's be worth putting a note on the calendar or phone reminders to submit a read the day prior to next meter read date, and just make sure you aren't overbilled.


We get way overestimated bills at the workshop, with an analogue meter, so I submit that every time now as our gate can be locked in the complex very often, plus the folks in shed 7 had a pacid old German Shepherd that the meter reader would never come in if they were there.


Even at home here with a digital meter, the estimate from AGL is roughly double what it will be, and those meters send data daily to the supplier who passes it on to AGL, so very easy to see how that is trending.

1 Reply 584 Views
There is no stated ‘meter final read date’ in the SMS one receives - but, if there were one, can it seriously be suggested that ‘within 24 hours’ would be acceptable?

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The final day of the billing period, it's noted on your last bill.

If you get a read submitted on the day before, it's registered on your account.

Not sure what happens if you get an actual read done the next day ok, but the 2 figures would be close, the retailer would use the meter readers figures no doubt.