Warning - phishing attempts in private messages

2 Replies 7577 Views


I have received a private message through the forum that is phishing

See below 

You have received a private message in the Neighbourhood | AGL.

Hello GrahamM1,

You have received a private message in the Neighbourhood | AGL.

From: mrsDok67
Date: 19-02-2021 02:50 AM

My Dear.
How are you today? I am Dobi Kablan , If you wouldn't mind I have something I will like to discuss with you. I have decided to make a pledge of donation to support the less privillege under your supervision. it was a Sister nurse working in this hospital that helped me to type this message, because I am loosing strenght every munites of the day. All I need from you is prayers,If you are interested Contact me for more details

Here is my email:my private email ( ms.dobik1@gmail.com )

Mrs Dobi Kablan

1 Reply 7575 Views

I think a lot of us got the same message(s), they hit me twice last night too.   Had already sent a PM to @David_AGL earlier this morning about it.


Thanks for the alert, it is a shame that these types of scams keep occurring and finding their way onto forums like this.


Can't do much about it apart from alert someone like David and see if their IT team can block delete from that sender, but they will probably just do it again anyway.  😞

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 7563 Views

@GrahamM1 @AJP001 

Many thanks for the heads-up on this scam activity - I haven't seen the private messages used in this way before. I'll block the users responsible and investigate what we can do to prevent it. 

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Every week I am getting these New Look Billing Summary and I cant understand it so I just delete them. 

What am I to do when my next bill becomes due?

If I don't understand it can I just pay say $260.00 until I can get a bill that I can understand?

I am an Older Australian of 75 years and I would prefer to pay my Light Bill at the post office.