Solar Credit Refund

3 Replies 62113 Views

I contacted AGL regarding non receipt of the solar credit which they has not refunded for some time. I was not getting anywhere with them and had to resort to lodging a complaint with the Energy & Water Ombudsman. The intervention by the Ombudsman resulted in my getting the refund. I subsequently received a phone call from AGL who informed me that they automatically send the refund on 27th October each year. I asked why I didn't receive a refund in October 2020 with a response that they were unable to explain. I then asked would I receive a refund this October '21 to which the reply was yes. I then said then I don't have to do anything further and the response was no that it would happen automatically each year. Needless to say that October has come and gone with no receipt of the current credit. The Ombudsman phoned me shortly after AGL sent the payment and they said that if I have further problems to contact them again quoting the reference number they gave me. Looks like that will have to happen. Sad really that I have to resort to lodging a further complaint when one considers that not only am I a customer, but, also a shareholder.

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 9482 Views

Hi @Ian-D, very disappointing that you ran into this issue in the first place, and even more so that it recurred. When you got in touch,  were you trying to set up an automatic credit payment into your bank account?

1 Reply 9480 Views

No, after the matter was dealt with by the Ombudsman's office I told the person who phoned me from AGL that the credit balance used to be paid each year by cheque.  That's when he said that AGL pays any credit solar refunds on October 27, each year as stated in my original post. That's when I asked will any credit balance be paid this coming October to which he replied Yes. I then said so do I have to do anything further to which the reply was that it would be paid automatically each year on October 27. I then left the matter at that and waited to see if it would occur and, of course, it didn't.

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 9448 Views

Yes, if no other payment method is established,  the credit refund is paid out automatically as a cheque, via mail. Is the issue that you have not been receiving these cheques?

If your preference is to receive the payment as a direct credit to your bank account, this does need to be set up by contacting AGL customer service.

If your preference is to receive the payment via cheque, no further action should be required from you, but we will need to establish why you haven't been receiving them by mail thus far.

1 Reply 6055 Views

This has been happening to me for more than 10 years. every quarter you have to sit on hold for an hour to get what is rightfully yours. It stinks AGL

1 Reply 6054 Views

Mine been set up and reset up soooo many times. AGL jus will NOT pay out.


I have 7 account and the low credits get paid BUT the higher credit NEVER get paid with the "sitting on hold" process happening. Shame on you AGL

1 Reply 6050 Views
0 Replies 6048 Views

Needless to say, I didn't receive the solar credit refund this October. I am currently looking to change providers as they, AGL. are full of crap and now they don't pay you anything for the solar feed in if you get the Govt. rebate. So it appears that AGL are using and charging other customer for my feed in supply which is cream on top of their exorbitant supply charge. No wonder they are making a mint....criminal really.

0 Replies 5251 Views

Hi can get my electricity refund back please 

0 Replies 4753 Views

I get a credit payment each month (if in credit) to a bank account - no issues