Ian-D's latest conversations

Ian-D Conductor

Re: Solar Credit Refund

Energy retailers can't pay out any Government rebate that is showing as acredit on your account.Up until the latest round of Government rebates, the only way it was paidout was when a customer changes providers and/or closes the account. Mygripe with AGL was because of their failure to pay the solar feed incredit, not the Govt. rebate.
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Ian-D Conductor

Re: Solar Credit Refund

Needless to say, I didn't receive the solar credit refund this October. I am currently looking to change providers as they, AGL. are full of crap and now they don't pay you anything for the solar feed in if you get the Govt. rebate. So it appears that AGL are using and charging other customer for my feed in supply which is cream on top of their exorbitant supply charge. No wonder they are making a mint....criminal really.
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Ian-D Conductor
11 Replies 0 Likes
Ian-D Conductor

Re: Solar Credit Refund

No, after the matter was dealt with by the Ombudsman's office I told the person who phoned me from AGL that the credit balance used to be paid each year by cheque. That's when he said that AGL pays any credit solar refunds on October 27, each year as stated in my original post. That's when I asked will any credit balance be paid this coming October to which he replied Yes. I then said so do I have to do anything further to which the reply was that it would be paid automatically each year on Oct ...
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