Dividend payments

1 Reply 3650 Views

AGL Web site states :"AGL ordinarily pays a dividend in March and September. Your dividends can be paid directly into your bank account." Note AGL states "can be paid directly into your bank account".


In response to my request to receive my dividend payment by bank cheque  Link advised AGL's policy is all divided payments WILL be paid by direct deposit. Has AGL changed their payment method policy and if yes what happens to investors who only hold passbook accounts?


In these COVID times I would expect AGL would make access to investors dividends as painless as possible, not build new obstructions.


Please advise

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 3644 Views

Hi @Baz471 , thanks for the question. We can't really handle shareholder related queries on the community here, as these all need to go through Link Market Services.


You can find more info on Shareholder Services here, including multiple options for getting in touch. Unfortunately it does sound like you've already been down that avenue and direct deposit may be the only option available.